Watch video of Qurbani Bulls Karachi Cattle Farm 2015 submitted by Rocking Star on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Qurbani Bulls Karachi Cattle Farm 2015 has total 8048 (eight thousand and forty-eight) Views on Qurbani Bulls Karachi Cattle Farm 2015.
Rocking Star  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  8048 Views
In which farm this beautiful huge bull is appear for sale? I like the color of brown and white which make it attractive, I choose black and white or brown and white color bull in every year.
Cattle Farm Qurbani animals are expensive, only those who can buy from these cattle they go and buy it.
I guess people should buy normal range Qurbani animals for Eid. Some people invest so much money to on Qurbani animal to show the world their wealth.