Watch video of Qurbani Bulls Red Prince Cattle Farm 2015 submitted by Babar on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Qurbani Bulls Red Prince Cattle Farm 2015 has total 4150 (four thousand one hundred and fifty) Views on Qurbani Bulls Red Prince Cattle Farm 2015.
Babar  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  4150 Views
I am waiting for the 7th August, the opening date of Cow Mandi 2016. I will definitely go there to see the animals of Prince and Dilpasand cattle farm.
Prince cattle farm is also famous due to the large size fancy bulls, last year I got visit in the farm and I like all the animals but I don’t know in this year in which block it farm is appear, I will visit soon.
I visited very few cattle farms in my life and Red cattle farm is one among them.