Watch video of Cyclist cheats death twice in split second submitted by Imran on Sep 24, 2014. This video of Cyclist cheats death twice in split second has total 42195 (forty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-five) Views on Cyclist cheats death twice in split second.
Imran  |  Sep 24, 2014  |  42195 Views
He is such a lucky guy, i can't believe it. He is in full speed and the truck is also out of control but any way it is true that God wants to save those no one can kill it.
Its a mericle by Almighty Allah, i think cyclist is a big cause of this accident and he saved in this accident but the traffic cop not leave him easily.
Wow, jisay Allaah rakhay usay kon chahkay.. actually the cyclist was saved not twice but thrice, once just close to that red car and then twice from the truck; once from the front and then from the back too.. so Allaah saved that cyclist not once but thrice from that incident, we hope and pray that Allaah bring the islaam and tawheed in their heart just from that incident happened to them, aameen.