This video shows a movie set with the crew as they experience a stunt for a movie. Unfortunately the stunt fails faultily breaking barrier as a car lands in between the people. Nobody got hurts. Watch video of Movie Set Safety Fail submitted by Imran on Aug 08, 2014. This video of Movie Set Safety Fail has total 36866 (thirty-six thousand eight hundred and sixty-six) Views on Movie Set Safety Fail.
Imran  |  Aug 08, 2014  |  36866 Views
How much casualties were happen in this accident and in which city this video belongs too? This is a most dangerous accident.
Such a big container in the street but i cannot understand either is it here for the purpose of block the road or it turn also?
I cannot believe it, it such a great accident, i dont know how many casualties are happen in this accident but in the officially report no body got injured.