Watch video of Bhar De Jholi by Amjad Sabri submitted by Nida Khan on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Bhar De Jholi by Amjad Sabri has total 3592 (three thousand five hundred and ninety-two) Views on Bhar De Jholi by Amjad Sabri.
Nida Khan  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  3592 Views
In the latest music equipments the track of this Qawwali is little bit improve but no way about the original Qawwali it is still nothing which I feel because the Sabri brother paid every words with heart touching feelings.
The voice of amjad sabri is also same like his father, this qawwali is very famous in the whole muslim world specially for those where the urdu language are able to understand and speak.