Watch video of Qawwali Sabri Brothers Qawwal Naat Bhar Do Jholi Meri submitted by Jazz on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Qawwali Sabri Brothers Qawwal Naat Bhar Do Jholi Meri has total 4427 (four thousand four hundred and twenty-seven) Views on Qawwali Sabri Brothers Qawwal Naat Bhar Do Jholi Meri .
Jazz  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  4427 Views
Yes this is an old and real version of bhar do jholi which is also recreate by Amjad Sabri and many of the other Qawwal but no doubt the original is superb which was the very famous at this era, I really love like.
After a long search I am success to get the original version of Sabri brothers in the old style with good sound quality, I love his voice specially I am a big fan of Fareed Sabri, May Allah rest his soul in the peace.
Please also include the original Qawwali "Khuwaja ki dewani", by Ghulam Fareed Sabri. I am also searching it in the video but I am not success to get the original version, I hope I can watch in this site.