Every Pakistani must contribute to save HEC

The Federal government has almost finalized the decision to dissolve HEC and to provide grants to the academic institutions and universities directly through provincial governments. This action will undo all the good work of HEC and will severely damage standard of higher education in the country. Some of the notable achievements of HEC include an increase in the number of academic publications, the fact that some Pakistani universities have improved their global rankings, increased university enrollment and a greater number of PhDs.
Watch video of Every Pakistani must contribute to save HEC submitted by Salman Ahmed on Apr 08, 2011. This video of Every Pakistani must contribute to save HEC has total 5110 (five thousand one hundred and ten) Views on Every Pakistani must contribute to save HEC.

Category: Current Affairs

Salman Ahmed  |  Apr 08, 2011  |  5110 Views

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absolutely , it was a silent revolution....... secondly, thats why muslims lacking in science tech. then how they will compete with developed countries. I am not a fan of Mush gov. but I salute him for the work he did for higher education and laying of foundation for this purpose. We as a Pakistani nation always forget our heros like Dr. AK Khan and now same act doing with the 10 years hardships of DR. Atta ur Rehmann. May Allah guide Pak nation and safe us from corrupt and evil enemies of Pakistan..

  • By Bilal, Form Sydney/Lahore
  • On 08 Apr, 2011

if we want to save pakistan, we will have to save HEC

  • By Muhammad Ishfaq, Form kasur
  • On 08 Apr, 2011


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