Watch video of Save HEC Raise your Voice submitted by Noreen Khan on Apr 06, 2011. This video of Save HEC Raise your Voice has total 3102 (three thousand one hundred and two) Views on Save HEC Raise your Voice.
Noreen Khan  |  Apr 06, 2011  |  3102 Views
This gov making things worst.I m nt da fan of mush gov but the work done by MUsh gov regarding HEC policy was outstanding,this z one of da reasons why Muslims laking in science tech.Corrupt gov. always think of making monuments with lot of expenditure.Many of my friends did Phd thr HEC & now serving in Pak. giving their experiences for next generations.if HEC will be ruined den new era of corrupt society "fake degree holders" will start & there will b no imptnce of original degree holders.