Watch video of AITEZAZ AHSAN SLAPPED BY BRAVE GIRL submitted by Faraz on May 03, 2012. This video of AITEZAZ AHSAN SLAPPED BY BRAVE GIRL has total 14406 (fourteen thousand four hundred and six) Views on AITEZAZ AHSAN SLAPPED BY BRAVE GIRL.
Faraz  |  May 03, 2012  |  14406 Views
excellent job!! amazing!!! heart touching!!
I really feel pity with the Pakistanis. If some one speaks out in their favour ,they like him and the same chap speaks out against them ,he becomes bad. People are not allowed to speak out bravely. they only want to support their views, no matter bad or good. If Aitejaz thought some thing bad, he fought bravely, but when he saw things getting in the wrong direction he spoke against it, and becomes villain in the eyes of people. What a Pity.
appropriate response Aitezaz should think why he involve himself defending the Corruption Mafia and disgrace himself just for money nearing end of his career
Nice mam....PPP leaders u think the nation is behind u bc sorry we are not with u we are fed up of u people pls leave this Govrnment and go to ur homes plssssss go to the graveyard and pray for ur bhutto and bibi but leave us for GOD sake leave us