Disabled brothers living in hell!

This tragic story defines the ultra helplessness of a deprived,desparate,homeless and ignored family of Abbottabad.Once these two disabled brothers were from hunger for 2 days!There was not any thing to eat in kitchen.Till their grieved father went to a blood bank .He sold his blood for few hundred rupees in order to feed his hungry and disabled children!Now this has become a dreadful fact that our country is becoming a TEASING HELL for geniunly deserving ones!ALAS!!!!!!!
Watch video of Disabled brothers living in hell! submitted by sajjad haider tanoli on Jul 27, 2010. This video of Disabled brothers living in hell! has total 2490 (two thousand four hundred and ninety) Views on Disabled brothers living in hell!.

پاکستان کیا اس لےء بنا کہ حاکم اپنے مادی اور صریح فاسد مقاصد کے لےء من مانیاں کریں اور ایک بےنوا اپنے معذور بچوں کی دو دن کی بھوک مٹانے کے لےء اپنا خون بیچتا پھرے!اے کاش ایسے حاکموں پر خالق کا سچا عذاب برسے اور تھمنے کا نام نہ لے!آمین‘

Category: Inspirational

sajjad haider tanoli  |  Jul 27, 2010  |  2490 Views

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پاکستان زندہ باد۔۔۔۔۔حکمرانی کا نشہ پائندہ باد۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔دکھی لوگ جائیں بھاڑ میں!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • By sajjad haider tanoli, Form abbottabad
  • On 31 Jul, 2010

