Watch video of Rizk ki Talaash submitted by Iqbal Malik on Aug 07, 2009. This video of Rizk ki Talaash has total 24020 (twenty-four thousand and twenty) Views on Rizk ki Talaash.
رزق کی تلاشاس وڈیو میں ایک چیونٹی ایک مری ہوئی مکھی کو اپنے کھانے کے لئے گھسیٹ کر لے جا رہی ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔
Iqbal Malik  |  Aug 07, 2009  |  24020 Views
پاپی پیٹ کا سوال ہے۔
Very very good video
This was an excellent Video. Not everyone has such a fantastic observation.
Very Good ... I Think it is Best of 2009 and should be Found First Prize By Our Admin. Word ia Amazed .... Great Thing !!