Watch what Turkish PM Erdogan did at G20 summit!!Watch video of Watch what Turkish PM Erdogan did at G20 summit!! submitted by Faraz on Sep 10, 2013. This video of Watch what Turkish PM Erdogan did at G20 summit!! has total 7849 (seven thousand eight hundred and forty-nine) Views on Watch what Turkish PM Erdogan did at G20 summit!!.
Faraz  |  Sep 10, 2013  |  7849 Views
he proved that how muich he is Turkish and how much he belives in patriotism with his country, he not just pickedup his country flag he actualy given message to all t20 country head that how he has love for his country, it is seen that other country head were astonished when he did this act of honor. Naveed Ahmad(Proud Muslim and Pakistani)
it was flag of turkey i think