A small funny video clip of a cow who is looking angry and a person want to open the rope of this cow.A cow attacked on a person and want to run far away from there. Must watch. Watch video of Angry Bull Before Qurbani - Cow Qurbani Attack Funny Video submitted by Hina Javad on Sep 25, 2013. This video of Angry Bull Before Qurbani - Cow Qurbani Attack Funny Video has total 137015 (one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and fifteen) Views on Angry Bull Before Qurbani - Cow Qurbani Attack Funny Video.
Hina Javad  |  Sep 25, 2013  |  137015 Views
This bull is looking very pretty and healthy but this is very danger spacially for childrens many peoples are injured for this type of bulls.
Many peoples are not bought the bulls because it is very expensive and this is very denger to Qurbani that’s why its not Qurban to easily on Eid
This bull is looking very pretty and healthy but this is very danger spacially for childrens many peoples
This bull is looking very dangerous in this photo bull is very big this is not expensive bull I see many expensive bull higher than this