Looking for Most Beautiful Cow at Sohrab Goth Mandi then you are landed at right place. People go to Mandis not just buying Qurbani animal but also for taking pictures and making videos of great Qurbani animals out there. Many cattle farmers show the catwalk of their healthy animals on famous Sohrab Goth Mandis. Sohrab Goth Mandi is Asia’s biggest Cow and Bakra Mandi in the world. Therefore people like to visit there with their friend and family. All type of best animal display there in this Mandi. You can find the latest updates and videos of Most Beautiful Cow at Sohrab Goth Mandi available online on HamariWeb. Here you can find a large variety of Qurbani animal videos of different cattle farms. You can browse for the best Cow Mandi videos on this page. You are most welcome to give your feedback through commenting on this website about the video. Watch video of Most Beautiful Cow at Sohrab Goth Mandi - Cow Qurbani in Karach.. submitted by Aalia Khan on Sep 25, 2013. This video of Most Beautiful Cow at Sohrab Goth Mandi - Cow Qurbani in Karach.. has total 34093 (thirty-four thousand and ninety-three) Views on Most Beautiful Cow at Sohrab Goth Mandi - Cow Qurbani in Karach...
Aalia Khan  |  Sep 25, 2013  |  34093 Views
Please upload more videos of Cow on this platform I really want to see them all.
I really like the entrance dilpasand gate in the mandi which you can see from very far. This time I also like the cleanliness and all the facilities specially the car parking and police security is also able to appreciate.
karachi Cow Mandi is awesome i went there last week i have did not buy anything but this weekend i will go and buy a cow for qurbani
very beautiful i like it they are very beautiful i want to come in karachi from london to to mandi