Aye Watan Pyare Watan is defiantly one of the most popular Mili Naghma of all times. One can never get over with this amazing composition. The lyrics and voice of Hamid Ali Khan will touch your soul and revive the spirit of freedom within you. This song is played several times in television and radio and still you want to listen it every time. This Independence Day you can listen, watch, and dedicate Aye Watan Pyare Watan by Hamid Ali Khan online. HamariWeb gives you access to some amazing national songs video clips that you can listen watch and share anytime. Watch video of Aye Watan Pyare Watan - Milli Naghma by Hamid Ali Khan submitted by shahzaib on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Aye Watan Pyare Watan - Milli Naghma by Hamid Ali Khan has total 45022 (forty-five thousand and twenty-two) Views on Aye Watan Pyare Watan - Milli Naghma by Hamid Ali Khan.
shahzaib  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  45022 Views
Please also upload som other latest video of antional songs I want to lsee new national song videos on this page. upload som new video here its a request.
Hamid ali khan is also my ustaad, some years ago i was the student of him. I dont have any word about his voice because he is a brilliant singer.
This is one of my favorite Mili Nagma Aye Watan Pyare Watan, My nephew plays guitar he is preparing a remixe of this Song of which i am not happy about.