Sindhi Hum, Balochi Hum, Punjabi Hum, Pathan Hum - Pakistan National SongWatch video of Sindhi Hum, Balochi Hum, Punjabi Hum, Pathan Hum - Pakistan Nat.. submitted by shahzaib on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Sindhi Hum, Balochi Hum, Punjabi Hum, Pathan Hum - Pakistan Nat.. has total 22189 (twenty-two thousand one hundred and eighty-nine) Views on Sindhi Hum, Balochi Hum, Punjabi Hum, Pathan Hum - Pakistan Nat...
shahzaib  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  22189 Views
Please tell me about this song who sung it and when it was relaesd, with video you should also write about the description of song.
We really need to make a national unity of our country, this song give up the lesson of national unity that is the only weakness of our country.
We all are Pakistani we should get united and show the real power of Pakistan but unfortunately no one understands this every body fighting on the names and cast