Hum Mustafavi Hain - Milli Naghma by Mehdi ZaheerWatch video of Hum Mustafavi Hain - Milli Naghma by Mehdi Zaheer submitted by Faraz on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Hum Mustafavi Hain - Milli Naghma by Mehdi Zaheer has total 28668 (twenty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-eight) Views on Hum Mustafavi Hain - Milli Naghma by Mehdi Zaheer.
Faraz  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  28668 Views
حضرت جمیل الدین عالی ؒ کا یہ ملی نغمہ دراصل پوری اُمتِ مسلمہ کی پہنچانِ عظیم ہے اللہ حضرت جمیل الدین عالی ؒ کی مغفرت فرمائے اور اِنہیں جنت الفردوس میں بلند درجات عطا کرے۔۔۔آمین۔
Thank you upload this song here you have how much I tried to find this song last month but couldnt find it anywhere on net, the video quality is good, I needed this ong foe my college drama.
Mustafavi means messenger of islam all peoples in world has equal rights and all muslaims should spend their life in serving of world our prophet is also a mustafavi
What is the meaning of the word "Mustavafi" in this naghma. This naghma is very beautiful but i dont understand the poetry.