Hai Jazba Junoon To Himat Na Haar - Ali AzmatWatch video of Hai Jazba Junoon To Himat Na Haar - Ali Azmat submitted by Imran on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Hai Jazba Junoon To Himat Na Haar - Ali Azmat has total 92280 (ninety-two thousand two hundred and eighty) Views on Hai Jazba Junoon To Himat Na Haar - Ali Azmat.
Imran  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  92280 Views
Awaz band has sung many good this song is their best song ever. only I feel very much heartfelt that after singing such amazing song why these band broke up?
best of luck
This is an awesome song ! I'm lovin' it ^_^
proud to be a Pakistani. I love this song and my country. shame on you shimar