Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan - Patriotic Song(Milli Naghma) by Shahnaz BegumWatch video of Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan - Patriotic Song(Milli Naghma) by Shahna.. submitted by Nida Khan on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan - Patriotic Song(Milli Naghma) by Shahna.. has total 22789 (twenty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine) Views on Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan - Patriotic Song(Milli Naghma) by Shahna...
Nida Khan  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  22789 Views
Jeevay Jeevay national song is the only song in which me and my friends in school programs did cultural dance and drama. What a good old days it was. I want to bring them back but I cant.
May Allah make pakistan more strong and powerful and give us a lesson of brother hood and unity (Aameen).
Oh My God this is soo old but still alive in our hearts... She has died but her words are still alive this is called talent