Main Bhi Pakistan Hoon - Mili Naghma by Mohammad Ali ShaikhiWatch video of Main Bhi Pakistan Hoon - Mili Naghma by Mohammad Ali Shaikhi submitted by Saba on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Main Bhi Pakistan Hoon - Mili Naghma by Mohammad Ali Shaikhi has total 13314 (thirteen thousand three hundred and fourteen) Views on Main Bhi Pakistan Hoon - Mili Naghma by Mohammad Ali Shaikhi.
Saba  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  13314 Views
Mohammadi ALi Shakhi and Alan Fakhir Duo song Allah hi Allah kar bandiya is one of the great songs and whenever I get the time to listen old songs I do listen this duo song as well.
I forget the name of his original singer but I know Muhammad ali shaikhi is not an original singer. I also listen many naats of his original singer because now he is very religious person.
i think Main Bhi Pakistan Hoon is officially sung by someone other i hope i may be wrong i have to check it on internet