Tera Pakistan Hai Yeh Mera Pakistan Hai - Milli Naghma by Amjad Hussain Watch video of Tera Pakistan Hai Yeh Mera Pakistan Hai - Milli Naghma by Amjad.. submitted by Saba on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Tera Pakistan Hai Yeh Mera Pakistan Hai - Milli Naghma by Amjad.. has total 31804 (thirty-one thousand eight hundred and four) Views on Tera Pakistan Hai Yeh Mera Pakistan Hai - Milli Naghma by Amjad...
Saba  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  31804 Views
great poetry and sing with passion....May Allah bless our Pakistan with the same approach. Ameen./ Long Live Pakistan.
Please also upload the Remix video of this Tera Pakistan and Mera Pakistan song which is sung by new singer and I am not figuring his name.
In the month of ramazan i also listen the naats in the voice of amjad hussain but he is famous only due to this national song.
Nice Nagma I am in Australia I am missing my friends we used to get together on This day and used to get a party together but in Australia i am alone. Love You Pakistan.