Roshan-o-Rakhshan, Nayyar-o-TabaaN - Habib Wali Mohammad & Benjamin SistersWatch video of Roshan-o-Rakhshan, Nayyar-o-TabaaN - Habib Wali Mohammad & Benj.. submitted by Nida Khan on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Roshan-o-Rakhshan, Nayyar-o-TabaaN - Habib Wali Mohammad & Benj.. has total 10019 (ten thousand and nineteen) Views on Roshan-o-Rakhshan, Nayyar-o-TabaaN - Habib Wali Mohammad & Benj...
Nida Khan  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  10019 Views
This song is great and I guess every national song is great no matter how old the national song, it always sounds appealing whenever ypou listen to it!
The voice of wali muhammad is great but now i miss the voice of benjamin sisters and wali muhammad. Due to this naghma they both singers remain with us.
This is my one of the most favorite mili naghma because when I was in school I got participate and sung this beautiful mili naghma.
Benjamin Sisters... WOW nice old memories i wish they sing a new song for the National... they were counties real asset