Tum Hi Sai Aai Mujahido - Alamgir National SongWatch video of Tum Hi Sai Aai Mujahido - Alamgir National Song submitted by Afshan on Aug 13, 2013. This video of Tum Hi Sai Aai Mujahido - Alamgir National Song has total 15978 (fifteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight) Views on Tum Hi Sai Aai Mujahido - Alamgir National Song.
Afshan  |  Aug 13, 2013  |  15978 Views
I do not like new national song I only admir our old national songs. I want to download this song but I cant beacuse it is not opening.
Our defense area did a great job in 1965, due to the efforts and motivational ways this song is really a good song with the great voice of alamgir.
This naghma highlights the efforts of our Fauj and army because on the behalf of his efforts we are independent nation.
They are Shaheed they are not died they are alive and they get beautiful reward by Allah Almighty and will be placed in Heaven.