The is first time a video was recorded inside kaaba.Watch video of Inside khana e kaaba submitted by abdul ahad on Jun 04, 2009. This video of Inside khana e kaaba has total 7961 (seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one) Views on Inside khana e kaaba.
abdul ahad  |  Jun 04, 2009  |  7961 Views
سبحان اللھ ، اللھ آپ کو جزاءخیر دے۔ آمین
I am feeling so happy that cannot tell you about my feelings.Thank you for this servis for muslams. RAFIQUE LAHORE ,Pakistan
Really dil ko sakoon mila dekh kar yahan Mual-e-kayinat janab Hazrat ALI (A.S) paiyda hauy ... aur yeh Kibla hai har muslmaan ki khuhish iski ziyrat karna hajj karna touwaf karna masALLAH ..ALLAH apko iska Ajar day kay apny ziyrat karwaie.. Ameen