Watch video of Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 1 submitted by shahzaib on Mar 20, 2012. This video of Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 1 has total 5762 (five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two) Views on Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 1.
shahzaib  |  Mar 20, 2012  |  5762 Views
All those who are still against Aamir even after he is begging for forgiveness, people should put them self on his place and on his age that what mistakes we make in that age and how much problems we kept hiding from our elders and seniors? Obviously in that age we are not mature teens take lot pressure on there brain and make lot of mistakes and after that mostly teens get into trouble. After doing guilt teens try to hide there guilt, this is normal condition for a common teen ager, but he was a famous personality, he was happy because of sudden fame he got in his age, every body was wanting to become his friend and among million of new people around him how many people he would have judge? Even after a person is much matured but you can not judge what's going on some other's body's mind? I believe he was trapped and i appreciate his daring of accepting guilt. How many people among us have dare to accept there guilt? I salute your daring he is not asking people to reduce his ban but he is just asking for forgiveness, come on people show some big heart and forgive this teen age boy after putting yourself in teen age. He accept he was stupid no body accept like that, but in our teen age we all are stupid, we become mature after lot of mistakes we make, he said he doesn't know how to ball a NO-BALL, in the video one can judge that he really don't know how to bowl a no-ball because of big over stepping, if he was doing it by his own will then he could have bowl a no-ball in mature way, he said he was confused to do that no-ball, and in that confusion he bowl a big no-ball. TO DO THE MISTAKE IS NOT A MISTAKE BUT TO REPEAT THE MISTAKE IS A MISTAKE. He has done some mistake now he ask for forgiveness, Aamiri have forgiven you, i love you for ever buddy, hope you come back soon, hope your ban reduce soon, but even if you come after 5 years i know you would be most dangerous bowler then ever for cricket world.
He is guilty. He should never be allowed to play cricket again. He should be jailed again in Pakistan. Set up an example.