Watch video of Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 2 submitted by shahzaib on Mar 20, 2012. This video of Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 2 has total 4897 (four thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven) Views on Amir Interview With Michael Atherton Part 2.
shahzaib  |  Mar 20, 2012  |  4897 Views
ya we want Amir back in our team..plz..come back AMIR,we really need you.
Dear Amir after watching this video one thing is came out which is planned by some one who don't want a pakistani team good in futhure that's way they are doing these thing with pakistan player but don't worry we are all with u and hope from our god that u will come back to pakistan team don't accept the loss just be positive and fight against them and show them u r Spirits and u r Loyalty with pakistan. so please don't be stop u r self from the cricket playing. pakistan long live and our blood is green be remmember ????