Shuja Ud Din Malik from Pakistan Performed At International Level Of Heavy Weight Lifting and at all times he did not let the bar drop like other country representatives did. Watch video of Shuja Ud Din Malik Performed At International Level Of Heavy We.. submitted by Jazz on Sep 22, 2014. This video of Shuja Ud Din Malik Performed At International Level Of Heavy We.. has total 12197 (twelve thousand one hundred and ninety-seven) Views on Shuja Ud Din Malik Performed At International Level Of Heavy We...
Jazz  |  Sep 22, 2014  |  12197 Views
well done malik
I dont know why our electronic media did not highlight this performance by Shuja uddin, it such a great award for us, the government should give a prize on the behalf of this performance.
Our Government should announce some presents to Shuja uddin on the behalf of his performance in the international level.
He is a great pakistani who performed from this nation and create an important role to boost the name of pakistan on the behalf of his efforts.