while answering a question about Holy Quran Allah stopped his tongue.Watch video of Bush while criticizing Holy Quran, Allah stopped his tongue submitted by abdul ahad on Jun 06, 2009. This video of Bush while criticizing Holy Quran, Allah stopped his tongue has total 4948 (four thousand nine hundred and forty-eight) Views on Bush while criticizing Holy Quran, Allah stopped his tongue.
abdul ahad  |  Jun 06, 2009  |  4948 Views
its true !!! ALLAHOAKBAR SUBHANALLAH!! ALLAH kuffar ko naik hidayat dai ameen!
Our govt is tamed by US, so such like unforgetable video is nothing for him. But Almighty Allah shows to all men kind that he can do anything anywhere with anyone. I hope such like week points will be available on your website in future.
Bush were is very crual president of USA who massacred the muslims very badly and make lame excuses against muslims terrorists and attached Iraq and Afghanistan. Send him to the hell.
sab ka malik aik