Watch video of Amjad Sabri Dua Karam Manghta Hoon submitted by Jazz on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Amjad Sabri Dua Karam Manghta Hoon has total 3927 (three thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven) Views on Amjad Sabri Dua Karam Manghta Hoon.
Jazz  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  3927 Views
This dua is such a heart touching dua when I listen it my heart start weeping specially in the original voice of Amjad Sabri make also a great atmosphere. Some times I also recite this dua in my school in the ramadan.
In the last ashra of ramadan Amjad Sabri recite this dua in any program which I remembered because his voice is awesome which gives very nice feelings, no doubt he is a great Qawwal.