Watch video of Amjad Sabri Qawali – Khawaja Ki Diwani submitted by Ayesha Rashid on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Amjad Sabri Qawali – Khawaja Ki Diwani has total 6971 (six thousand nine hundred and seventy-one) Views on Amjad Sabri Qawali – Khawaja Ki Diwani .
Ayesha Rashid  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  6971 Views
How can I download this Qawwali by Amjad Sabri in my computer? In this site I can just watch the videos of qawwali but I want to save it, I don’t have the download manager without it any other thing which helps me?
Usually I noted that Amjad Sabri make a new version of all the qawwalis which his father sung but there is no any new qawwali in his written which he make new, he should sing some new.