Cool Way To Save Burning Boat

A video of a speedboat dousing a burning vessel by swerving next and has impressed fire fighters and harbour authorities alike. Wellington man Hayden Oliver started filming when he spotted the boat burning fiercely in the water on Canterbury's Lake Lyndon. As he filmed, a speedboat that had been at the other side of the lake approached at speed and turned sharply at the last moment, sluicing water over the fire. It repeated this at least four times. Watch "Cool Way To Save Burning Boat" and other videos @

Watch video of Cool Way To Save Burning Boat submitted by Jazz on Feb 21, 2013. This video of Cool Way To Save Burning Boat has total 5120 (five thousand one hundred and twenty) Views on Cool Way To Save Burning Boat.

Category: Inspirational

Jazz  |  Feb 21, 2013  |  5120 Views

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Presence of Mind! wana to do some thing gud and positive...Dont wait for other , that they will come..just do it as u can.....what u can.............

  • By Asim Khan, Form Abu Dhabi
  • On 12 Mar, 2013


Burning BoatBrave manGreat IdeaFire Fighterspeedboat