Don't Make Fun of Others - Its a video which gives lesson that never try to be over smart and make fun. Don't under estimate others so you could be under the same circumstance and will be humiliated too. Watch "Don't Make Fun of Others...MUST See" and other videos @ video of Don't Make Fun of Others...MUST See submitted by Jazz on Feb 22, 2013. This video of Don't Make Fun of Others...MUST See has total 5656 (five thousand six hundred and fifty-six) Views on Don't Make Fun of Others...MUST See.
Jazz  |  Feb 22, 2013  |  5656 Views
It's not a fun (Tamaskher) of other.. Actually the one can't speak Arabic properly, and the other can't pronounce "P" most of the Arab people pronounce "P" as "B" those who know it they dont make it matter..but only those who dont know about it...